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Employment and training

One year of the Refugee Employability Programme

Man holding a coffee cup talking

Today marks one year since the beginning of the Catch22 delivery of the REP programme.  

What is REP?

The Refugee Employability Programme supports refugees to find work and settle into their local communities. Funded by the Home Office we support the unique needs of refugees to give them the support they need to find work and build their lives in England. We aim to remove barriers which cannot be fully addressed by mainstream services and have been providing this support to Refugees in East London for the past year.  

What have we been up to this year?

Since the start of the programme Catch22 have supported over 700 people through the programme, support has been uniquely curated for each participant to ensure that they are getting the most from the programme, and this work can be highlighted by our REP Service Manager, Eve Edwards who writes: 

Helping refugees find employment isn’t just about matching skills to jobs; it’s about giving people the opportunity to rebuild their lives with dignity. Supporting my case managers in this mission allows us to empower individuals to contribute, connect, and feel seen in their new community. Together, we’re able to play a part in their journey toward independence and success.”  

Alongside the one-to-one support, our English for Speakers Of Other Languages (ESOL) tutor Justin offers pre-entry to Level 1 (equivalent) ESOL classes four days a week. The ESOL training aim is to support participants to be confident in conversational English and feel comfortable in day-to-day conversation.  

Who have we been working with?

We have been very lucky to work closely in the community with so many organisations and a key part of the programme is our face-to-face delivery which enables our case managers to work out and about in the local communities. We have been able to set up several locations including Anchor House, Bethany House, Viabast, The Renewal Programme amongst others and have run several drop-in sessions allowing potential participants to come and ask questions before signing up. One of our newest additions of support sessions is our “E-Visa Support Sessions” which have proven to be quite popular with local organisations.  

What has been the impact?

Over the past year there has been many success stories and one that stands out is the amazing work one of our case managers, Amanda who disclosed that one of their participants not only landed their first job but also permanent housing on the same day. For many of our participants landing a job is the gateway to rebuilding their lives, and their journeys do not stop there, we continue to work with them for six months offering in work support.  

One participant said:

I can now focus on advancing my career further so that I can bring my son to the UK and give him the future he deserves.” 

This highlights the huge impact that supporting each participant has, as we are not only adding positive change to the local community but also to the long term future of their families and wider community.  

What do we plan to do going forward?

The work is far from done on the programme and we are continuing to take new referrals until December before a further six months working with participants to support them into sustainable employment.  Our Operations Manager, Danielle Lecointe summarises the work we have done so far:  

Empowering refugees to thrive in the workforce is not just about transforming individual lives; it’s about enriching our communities. By fostering inclusive opportunities and working with local providers we can celebrate the diverse talents and perspectives that have driven innovation and success for everyone. Additionally, working with REED has been an incredible journey and together we continue to build a future on REP where every person has the chance to contribute meaningfully and achieve their potential.” 

If you would like to get involved in the programme speak to our Engagement Manager – Meghan Dyer – meghan.dyer@catch-22.org.uk