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Young People and Families: Annual Review 2019-2020

Close-up portrait of a a mother, father, and young son smiling at the camera.

Catch22 successfully delivers more than 30 Young People and Families services across the country, helping people to overcome challenges, build resilience and meet their aspirations.

For over 200 years Catch22 has designed and delivered services that build resilience and aspiration in people and communities. Our approach is based on the 3Ps. We believe people can thrive when they have good people around them, a purpose, and a good place to live.

“The Young People and Families Hub sits at the heart of Catch22. We cover a wide range of risks, harmful behaviours and challenges faced by young people and their families today. These include: missing from home and child exploitation, substance misuse, emotional wellbeing, crisis support and mediation. Our approach is solution focused and evidence based.

“The Young People and Families workforce of 200 staff and 60+ volunteers is passionate about the work they do. Our skilled teams form trusting relationships and work alongside children, young people and families helping them to build on their strengths, increasing their resilience in order to

  • feel safer,
  • be healthier both physically and mentally,
  • be more confident to make positive choices, and
  • be more able to enjoy their life.”

– Kate Wareham, Director of Young People and Families

Key statistics

  • 95% of people using our services feel safer as a result.
  • Over 11,000 people engaged by our services.
  • 90% of young people leave our services with a positive outcome.
  • 100% of commissioners are satisfied with our services.
  • 92% of people using our services reported improved mental health.
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