Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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17 Jul 2024

Catch22 responds to the King’s Speech

A badge is overlaid on the Catch22 green gradient background with the text "Catch22 Election Watch" and a cross inside a box.


26 Jun 2024

A million little moments: why public service reform has never been more needed

Offender management and rehabilitation

15 Sep 2023

Doing things differently: innovation in our justice services

A man and a woman sit in chairs with their backs to the camera. They are both wearing t-shirts with the Catch22 logo on the back. Overlaid is text that reads "Doing things differently".

Case studies,

19 Jul 2023

Delivering public impact: why the third sector should not be overlooked

15 May 2023

Catch22 launches new website

A laptop showing the front page of the Catch22 website.


19 Oct 2022

It’s time to think about doing things differently

Employment and training

31 Aug 2022

Reform: one year on

Criminal justice

15 Jul 2022

The third sector and the future of public services

Header image for the Catch22 Minutes podcast which reads "Season 2: Justice"


Criminal justice

4 May 2022

Designing and delivering effective services

Header image for the Catch22 Minutes podcast which reads "Season 2: Justice"


Offender management and rehabilitation

22 Feb 2022

Why successful re-integration reduces the chances of reoffending

Employment and training

6 Dec 2021

Reforming youth employment

10 Mar 2021

Catch22 responds to green paper on “Transforming public procurement”

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, taken from across the River Thames. Overlaid is text that reads: "Consultation Response".


Child exploitation

8 Mar 2021

Serious violence funding must prioritise a public health approach

A group of professionals sit around a table reviewing papers.


17 Sep 2020

Partnership to strengthen public service innovation

A woman stands in the foreground wearing an orange Catch22 tshirt with a Catch22-branded fabric tote bag. In the background, people are taking part in a workshop. Overlaid is text that reads "Reform Agenda".


16 Dec 2019

Beyond delivery: reforming public services

A woman stands in the foreground wearing an orange Catch22 tshirt with a Catch22-branded fabric tote bag. In the background, people are taking part in a workshop. Overlaid is text that reads "Reform Agenda".


Criminal justice

18 Jul 2019

Tackling crime together: A public health approach

A man and a woman review a board of post-it notes looking to find the connections between different topics.


18 Jun 2019

200 years of tackling catch22s


14 Mar 2019

Good people around you

4 Jan 2019

To correct systemic failure, we need systemic change

29 Oct 2018

Reform Playbook

A poster stuck on the wall reads "A purpose". Around it are post-it notes where people have written what "purpose" means to them. None of the post-it notes are legible.


Victim services

10 Apr 2018

The changing needs of victims and how to support them better

Close-up of a little boy being hugged by a parent.


3 Jul 2017

What’s our ‘Endgame’?

A woman stands in the foreground wearing an orange Catch22 tshirt with a Catch22-branded fabric tote bag. In the background, people are taking part in a workshop. Overlaid is text that reads "Reform Agenda".


1 Jun 2017

Turning challenges into opportunities

30 May 2017

Optimism and action: striving for better outcomes for service users


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