We provide young people aged 4 to 18 with alternative and special education in order for them to progress and succeed in sustained education or employment. The number of schools has increased in size rapidly over the last three years and is now comprised of 7 Academies and 5 Independent Schools:
- Catch22 Multi Academies Trust is the vehicle for Catch22’s sponsorship of academies which focus on learners who can benefit from small, supportive alternative and special education provision.
- Catch22 include provides full-time alternative and special education to primary and secondary young people aged 5 to 16-years-old in England and Wales with an emphasis on transition and re-engagement back into mainstream education or employment.
Key statistics
- Last year, 712 pupils were enrolled at our schools
- 83% of our learned achieved a GCSE in English
- 83% of our learners achieved a GCSE in Maths
- 85% of our leavers across our schools went on to a positive destination
- 80% of our learners have special educational needs
- 54% of our learners receive free school meals
Key priorities for 2020/21
- To consolidate the improvements made at Everitt and Fen Rivers so that the weaknesses identified in inadequate judgements are addressed, standards are improving at pace to at least good and that any Ofsted monitoring evidences the necessary action is being taken.
- To continue to prioritise support for our uninspected academy and our independent school and academies requiring improvement.
- To embed the new governance arrangements and updated scheme of delegation ensuring a firm grasp on strategic priorities, an accurate view of performance and robust challenge of the executive team and Headteachers when necessary.
- Continue to work on the Austen Academy free school project to ensure that it is rated good or better and is financially viable.