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Mediation: Annual report 2023-2024

Two people sit across a table from each other looking at one another. A mediator sits at the table in between them

“I find the service invaluable when dealing with customers who are having issues with their neighbours, and also find one-party referrals work well, particularly with customers who have mental health issues, either themselves, or in understanding their neighbours”

Neighbourhood Response Officer, Clarion Housing

Catch22’s Mediation Service provides community mediation, conflict resolution and coaching, both on a one-to-one basis and for issues with multiple parties, across Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire.

We work side-by-side with social housing providers, local authorities, and the police to:

  • help residents and tenants navigate and resolve conflicts in their neighbourhood, and
  • to support those who can’t take part in mediation to build confidence, coping skills, and resilience.

Those referring cases to us have huge demands on their time, and are rarely considered to be impartial due to their enforcement role. Often the cases don’t have clear perpetrators and victims, and the circumstances are difficult to evidence making it very difficult for them to take action. Having access to a skilled and independent mediation service allows them to offer the people they serve the support to find a way out of their situation, saving them time and resources.

We also aim to help neighbours to communicate safely and facilitate the best possible conversation between them and their neighbours, be that directly or indirectly. We try to find ways they can manage conflicts differently in the future and, where possible, help those whose neighbours can’t or won’t mediate – always aiming to be accessible, practical and person-centred in our practice.

Outcomes of service

Over the last twelve months, we have:

  • received 182 new referrals
  • worked on a total of 287 cases
  • worked with 439 households, comprising nearly 700 people,
  • conducted over 1,000 phone calls, and
  • held at least 85 meetings with our service users, to help them to find solutions.
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