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Child exploitationEmotional supportSubstance use

Merton Risk and Resilience: Annual report 2020-2021

A teenage girl in a hoodie stands in front of a graffiti-ed wall with her hood up.

“I honestly don’t know what would have happened without Catch22. Where things would have ended up? So, thank you.”

Catch22 have been delivering in the London Borough of Merton since 2010, holding contracts working with the most vulnerable young people in the borough. April 2020 marked the start of the new Risk and Resilience Integrated Service Contract.

The Merton Risk and Resilience Service is an integrated substance misuse, exploitation, missing from home and detached youth work service focused on mitigating risk and promoting resilience in young people.

The aim of this service is to reduce harm to young people aged 24 and under who are at serious risk of harm from, or are experiencing, or have been:

  • using substances,
  • reported missing from home or care, and/or
  • exploited.

Merton Risk and Resilience also receives funding from The Wimbledon Foundation to deliver a counselling service in school, this service is aimed at Children and Young People (aged 11 – 16 years), who have been identified as requiring a one-to-one intervention for a range of emotional health issues and/or as part of dealing with the impact of their parents’/siblings’ substance misuse.

“I’ll admit to being rather sceptical at first that you could help my son but the change has been enormous. My son genuinely seems a lot calmer and certainly happier and more positive as a result of your regular meetings with him. I also really appreciate you taking the time to meet with me and my husband to explain (in detail) your approach with our son and how we can continue to support him when your intervention finishes. We had (and still have) a lot to learn but you’ve helped us to support our son and we’ll continue to implement the harm reduction approach that you’ve introduced us to. I’m extremely grateful that you have helped us and we all feel very positive about the future.”

– Parent of a young person who received an intervention and one-to-one support


In 2020 – 2021, the service worked with a total of 956 individual young people. Of these:

  • 98% of return home interviews were completed within 72 hours (to those available)
  • 88% of service users met their goals
  • 624 young people engaged in COVID-19 diversionary work
  • 100% of young people demonstrated reduced risk following exploitation intervention
  • 294 meetings were attended
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