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Our 2024 Social Impact Review

Catch22-branded bunting is hung from the ceiling. Overlaid is text that reads "Review of the Year".

I wrote at the start of last year’s Review, that the need for organisations like ours to demonstrate the impact and value for money of what we do has never been more important.

Read the Catch22 Social Impact Review (2024)

I’m proud to say that we are making great strides in this respect; our Evidence and Insight team is now fully embedded across the organisation, and we are getting better at demonstrating how all of our models and approaches are delivering incredible outcomes for our service users.

We are also gaining traction with policymakers. Catch22’s Public Service Reform agenda is deeply embedded in our history and is central to our mission moving forward. It remains a key areas of focus; taking the learning from our frontline delivery and the experience of practitioners and the people we work with, to drive meaningful policy change has to be at the heart of any public service agenda. There are examples in this Review of how we’re starting to see this cut through with politicians, in particular the renewed focus on tackling youth violence and reforming Job Centre Plus.

But above all, Catch22 is delivery organisation. High quality delivery is at the heart of what we do. You’ll read in this Review that in the last year, many of our service and programmes have won awards, been recognised and accredited as industry-leading and have been rated highly by regulators. This is testament to the hard work of Catch22 colleagues and partners, alongside our constant desire to improve. I hope after reading this Review you feel inspired and enthused about what we do. None of this would be possible without our excellent colleagues and our broad network of partners. Thank you to you all.

– Naomi Hulston, Chief Executive of Catch22

Welcome to Catch22’s latest Social Impact Review – a showcase of both the breadth and depth of our activity over the last 12 months.  

We have supported hundreds of young people who are victims of exploitation, helping them get their lives back on track. We’ve helped thousands of ex-offenders rebuild their networks and regain control of their finances. We’ve raised awareness amongst Newham residents about the importance of health screening, and we’ve given hundreds of people furthest from the job market secure sustainable employment.   

We have strengthened our network of local authority leaving care teams to improve outcomes of care experienced young people, enhancing this with an expanded employability programme in the North West solely focussed on care leavers. Our schools and colleges continue to flourish, with all our provision now being rated ‘good’ by our regulators. And we are continuing to support innovation – with our Good Tech Ventures programme opening up opportunities for new business support for effective delivery of public services.  

While the success stories of the people we’ve supported are remarkable, it is sobering to realise just how badly the services we, and others working in similar spaces, are needed.    

In particular, there appears no let up in the numbers of young people affected by violence. Indeed this year, we welcomed the charity Redthread into the Catch22 family through a merger. Redthread do brilliant work, supporting young victims of violence in hospital settings – including Emergency Departments and Major Trauma Centres. While mergers are never straightforward, we’re grateful to the Redthread Board, leadership and staff who have been so proactive in wanting the merger to work in order to ensure the future of Redthread services. With their areas of delivery complementing the work already done by Catch22 in the sphere of child exploitation, we’re looking forward to building on and delivering even more impactful work in this space.  

I hope you enjoy reading this review as much as I did. Thank you to all the colleagues who make Catch22 the compassionate, collaborative, empowering and curious organisation that is it. I look forward to seeing what the next year has in store.  

– Terry Duddy, Chair of Catch22

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