Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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Victim services

23 Feb 2022

Improving victims’ experience of the criminal justice system

Offender management and rehabilitation

22 Feb 2022

How can we improve outcomes for prison leavers?

Header image for the Catch22 Minutes podcast which reads "Season 2: Justice"


Offender management and rehabilitation

22 Feb 2022

Why successful re-integration reduces the chances of reoffending

Housing support

16 Feb 2022

CHIP: Annual report 2021-2022

A young woman makes herself coffee at home. A studio flat can be seen in the background.


Digital skills

8 Feb 2022

How does gaming equip young people for life?

Child exploitation

2 Feb 2022

Catch22 responds to IICSA report

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, taken from across the River Thames. Overlaid is text that reads: "Consultation Response".


Child exploitation

31 Jan 2022

Catch22 recommissioned to support victims of child exploitation across Merseyside

A young boy reads a message on his phone, while his father works on a laptop on the sofa in the background.


Employment and training

27 Jan 2022

Catch22 responds to new ‘Way to Work’ employment scheme

Close-up of hands cooking food in a hot pan over a gas hob. There are lots of other pans on the hob in the background.


Offender management and rehabilitation

26 Jan 2022

Shadowing a Lifestyle Associate Caseworker

A man and a woman smile at the camera. He is sitting at a table working and she is stood next to him holding a document that she has brought to show him.

Case studies,


26 Jan 2022

Catch22 College: Maidstone prospectus

Two students smile as they work together at a computer. They are sat in a library and other computers can be seen in a row. One is sat in a chair, and the other is leaning over pointing to something on the screen. Overlaid is text that reads: "Catch22 College".



26 Jan 2022

Catch22 College: Peterlee prospectus

Two students smile as they work together at a computer. They are sat in a library and other computers can be seen in a row. One is sat in a chair, and the other is leaning over pointing to something on the screen. Overlaid is text that reads: "Catch22 College".



26 Jan 2022

Catch22 College: Thetford timetable

Close-up of a person making notes in a notebook. Overlaid is text that reads "Timetables".



26 Jan 2022

Catch22 College: Maidstone timetable

Close-up of a person making notes in a notebook. Overlaid is text that reads "Timetables".



26 Jan 2022

Catch22 College: Bishop Auckland timetable

Close-up of a person making notes in a notebook. Overlaid is text that reads "Timetables".


Care leavers

26 Jan 2022

Care experience and post-18 mental health

Full length portrait of a young woman talking to mature psychologist in therapy session.



26 Jan 2022

Catch22 College: Thetford prospectus

Two students smile as they work together at a computer. They are sat in a library and other computers can be seen in a row. One is sat in a chair, and the other is leaning over pointing to something on the screen. Overlaid is text that reads: "Catch22 College".



26 Jan 2022

Catch22 College: Peterlee timetable

Close-up of a person making notes in a notebook. Overlaid is text that reads "Timetables".


Digital skills

24 Jan 2022

Microsoft extends Catch22 partnership to equip more people with digital skills

Victim services

21 Jan 2022

Catch22 to continue delivering flagship victim service in Hertfordshire

A young man looks directly at the camera, resting his head on one hand.


Primary / KS1 and KS2

13 Jan 2022

Catch22 Include Wales celebrates latest Estyn report

A teacher supports a little boy with artwork during class. Overlaid is a copy of the Catch22 Include logo.


Offender management and rehabilitation

12 Jan 2022

Catch22 Case Manager at HMP Thameside wins Serco Pulse Award

Jasmine poses with her award on stage.

Case studies,

Offender management and rehabilitation

12 Jan 2022

Neurodiversity in the criminal justice system

Digital skills

29 Dec 2021

Catch22 responds to call for evidence on "Digital Skills for Employment"

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, taken from across the River Thames. Overlaid is text that reads: "Consultation Response".


Child exploitation

21 Dec 2021

Reflecting on a decade of Return Home Interviews


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