Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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Digital skills

13 Oct 2020

Salesforce and Catch22 launch partnership

Close-up of someone making notes whilst watching an online lecture.


Employment and training

13 Oct 2020

Catch22 responds to latest employment figures

Bars are set up next to a laptop to give a physical representation of a bar chart. The bar chart shows that the trend is increasing over time.


Care leavers

29 Sep 2020

Thousands of care leavers facing digital poverty

A colection of old mobile phone devices from the pre-smartphone era.



24 Sep 2020

Catch22 College: Nottingham prospectus

Two students smile as they work together at a computer. They are sat in a library and other computers can be seen in a row. One is sat in a chair, and the other is leaning over pointing to something on the screen. Overlaid is text that reads: "Catch22 College".



22 Sep 2020

College students receive computers from Raspberry Pi Foundation

Close-up of two young adults wearing sweatshirts. They each hold Raspberry Pi boxes in front of their chests. Neither of their faces can be seen.


17 Sep 2020

Partnership to strengthen public service innovation

A woman stands in the foreground wearing an orange Catch22 tshirt with a Catch22-branded fabric tote bag. In the background, people are taking part in a workshop. Overlaid is text that reads "Reform Agenda".


Victim services

9 Sep 2020

Victim First: Privacy notice

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".


Offender management and rehabilitation

7 Sep 2020

Catch22 responds to call for evidence on "The future of the Probation Service"

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, taken from across the River Thames. Overlaid is text that reads: "Consultation Response".


Employment and training

26 Aug 2020

Youth employment in 2020 – what now?

Health and wellbeing

21 Aug 2020

Catch22 secures NLCF funding to support those hit hardest during COVID-19

Close-up of a father, with his eyes closed, hugs his young daughter, who looks directly at the camera.


Digital skills

19 Aug 2020

Catch22 extends partnership with Microsoft into Bristol and Birmingham

A young man takes part in a virtual meeting using his laptop. He contributes to the meeting using the speaker on his earphone cable.


Employment and training

11 Aug 2020

Catch22 responds to latest unemployment figures

Bars are set up next to a laptop to give a physical representation of a bar chart. The bar chart shows that the trend is increasing over time.


Digital skills

7 Aug 2020

Young people and frontline staff demand better protection online

A group of young people browse their phones whilst sitting on a wall. Overlaid is text that reads "Online Harms Research Hub".


Employment and training

6 Aug 2020

How can social ventures reimagine the delivery of public services?

Digital skills

6 Aug 2020

Online harms: supporting young people offline and online

A group of young people browse their phones whilst sitting on a wall.


Digital skills

4 Aug 2020

The Social Switch Project secures funding from London’s VRU

A young woman stands in front of a window reading a message on her phone.


Offender management and rehabilitation

3 Aug 2020

Catch22 to deliver Resettlement service in London’s largest prison

Two prison workers in Catch22 uniforms sit next to each other watching a presentation. Only the bottom half of their faces is visible.


Employment and training

29 Jul 2020

Getting job-ready through powerful partnerships

Employment and training

21 Jul 2020

Youth unemployment: five actions employers can take right now

Support into work

20 Jul 2020

Inspiring Connections: Privacy notice

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".



13 Jul 2020

Reflecting on the Youth Violence Commission’s Final Report

Artwork created by participants on the Wolverhampton Violence Reduction Service. The artwork was created by drawing around their hands and then filling in the space. The artwork has been framed.


Care leavers

9 Jul 2020

NLCBF: Annual report 2019-2020

Three young friends (two female, one male) watch a tablet together. They are all smiling.


Employment and training

8 Jul 2020

A step in the right direction, but will the Kickstart scheme help those who need it most?

Emotional support

8 Jul 2020

Mediation: Service leaflet

Two people sit opposite each other on chairs. In between them, someone is holding a clipboard and pen making notes. None of their faces can be seen.

Posters and downloads,


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