Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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Social action

2 Apr 2020

Catch22 programme leader wins British Exploring Society Award

Chloe Moul accepts an award on stage from two judges.


Children's social care

2 Apr 2020

FACT22: Improving outcomes for children in need

A mother smiles at the camera, whilst holding her young son who is stood in her lap.


26 Mar 2020

Catch22 receives letter of appreciation from HRH The Princess Royal

HRH The Princess Royal watches an award ceremony. Chris Wright sits next to her.


Child exploitation

26 Mar 2020

Good practice guidance for Return Home Interviews delivered remotely

A woman, working at a desktop computer, takes a phone call on her mobile.

Posters and downloads,

17 Mar 2020

Catch22 calls for Government support of voluntary sector organisations

Two people sort charity donations into boxes to give to those in need.


Employment and training

5 Mar 2020

Jacob Hill awarded Churchill Fellowship

Jacob Hill stands in front of a wall with his arms crossed. He looks away from the camera.



28 Feb 2020

Terms and conditions: a case study for regulation?

Victim services

21 Feb 2020

Leicestershire Victim First recognised with Quality Mark

A group of young people working together on a project. In the centre is a young woman, smiling, who everyone else is looking towards.


Employment and training

19 Feb 2020

Catch22 responds to UK immigration plans

A waitress takes the order of a woman working on her laptop in a coffee shop.


Digital skills

11 Feb 2020

App safety

A teenage boy wearing headphones completes online work in the school library. Overlaid is text that reads: "Staying Safe Online Poster Hub".

Posters and downloads,

Child exploitation

11 Feb 2020

Share with care

A teenage boy wearing headphones completes online work in the school library. Overlaid is text that reads: "Staying Safe Online Poster Hub".

Posters and downloads,

Digital skills

11 Feb 2020

How can you encourage positive online behaviour?

Child exploitation

11 Feb 2020

Staying safe online

A teenage boy wearing headphones completes online work in the school library. Overlaid is text that reads: "Staying Safe Online Poster Hub".

Posters and downloads,

Employment and training

3 Feb 2020

The risks and the rewards of supporting young people

Offender management and rehabilitation

27 Jan 2020

Baker McKenzie partner with Catch22 to hold workshops in Thameside Prison

A man holds his young son in front of a large window. Both are smiling at the camera.



26 Jan 2020

Catch22 College: Nottingham timetable

Close-up of a person making notes in a notebook. Overlaid is text that reads "Timetables".


16 Dec 2019

Beyond delivery: reforming public services

A woman stands in the foreground wearing an orange Catch22 tshirt with a Catch22-branded fabric tote bag. In the background, people are taking part in a workshop. Overlaid is text that reads "Reform Agenda".


Digital skills

11 Dec 2019

Reflecting on The Social Switch Project launch event

Health and wellbeing

29 Nov 2019

Catch22 joins call to put young people at the heart of General Election

Close-up of a group of children laying on the floor thinking.


19 Nov 2019

Putting people, place and purpose at the heart of politics

A group of young people sitting on the floor having a conversation. They are each holding either a phone or tablet.


Substance use

19 Nov 2019

What is “MDMA”/”Ecstasy”?

A group of young adults sit together on a bed in a cosy bedroom. One holds a glass in their hands. Overlaid is text that reads: "Drugs Awareness Poster Hub".

Posters and downloads,

Substance use

19 Nov 2019

What is “Lean”?

A group of young adults sit together on a bed in a cosy bedroom. One holds a glass in their hands. Overlaid is text that reads: "Drugs Awareness Poster Hub".

Posters and downloads,

Substance use

19 Nov 2019

What is “Xanax”?

A group of young adults sit together on a bed in a cosy bedroom. One holds a glass in their hands. Overlaid is text that reads: "Drugs Awareness Poster Hub".

Posters and downloads,

Victim services

18 Nov 2019

Microsoft Idea Generator helps Catch22 support more victims


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