Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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Emotional support

28 Aug 2023

Merton Risk and Resilience: Annual report 2022-2023

A teenage boy stands against a brick wall wearing over-the-head headphones. He looks at the camera from the side.


Digital skills

24 Aug 2023

Giving people links to the digital world and their community

Support into work

9 Aug 2023

Are all young people interested in green opportunities?

Emotional support

8 Aug 2023

The Hive: Referral forms

A person filled out a form on a clipboard. Overlaid is text that reads: "Referral Forms".


Care leavers

2 Aug 2023

In their own words: care experienced young people ask for change

2 Aug 2023

Privacy notice

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".


Social action

1 Aug 2023

Catch22 awarded NCS grant for delivery of experiences for local teens

A group of young people wearing NCS tshirts stand together. They are all looking at each other rather than at the camera, smiling.


Primary / KS1 and KS2

1 Aug 2023

Education complaints, compliments and feedback policy

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".


Digital skills

27 Jul 2023

London’s VRU invests to keep young people safe online

Four students sit on a bench. They are not talking to each other or making eye contact, paying attention instead to their phones.


Offender management and rehabilitation

26 Jul 2023

The unique needs of a rising remand population

Employment and training

24 Jul 2023

How is AI changing the employability and skills support landscape?

A line-drawing of a head is depicted floating above a person's hand. In the middle of the head is a computer chip with electrical signals depicting activity.


21 Jul 2023

Data protection: observing data subject rights

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".


21 Jul 2023

Data Protection: overarching data protection policy

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".


21 Jul 2023

Data protection: subject access request policy

Overhead close-up of a person reviewing a formal-looking document. They are holding a pen to make notes. A laptop is on the table in front of them. Overlaid is text that reads: "Policy Library".


19 Jul 2023

Delivering public impact: why the third sector should not be overlooked

Digital skills

12 Jul 2023

Microsoft, Rare and Catch22 team up to support budding gamers

Victim services

7 Jul 2023

Catch22 submits written evidence on the Victims and Prisoners Bill

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, taken from across the River Thames. Overlaid is text that reads: "Consultation Response".


Criminal justice

5 Jul 2023

Academia and third sector partnerships in criminal justice

Secondary / KS3 and KS4

30 Jun 2023

Include Norfolk celebrates “Good” Ofsted rating

A group of students and teachers hold up letters spelling "good" in front of Include Norfolk school.


Criminal justice

29 Jun 2023

The role of the third sector in the criminal justice system

Employment and training

27 Jun 2023

The importance of careers advice and guidance in schools

Victim services

27 Jun 2023

Catch22 attends policy roundtable on fraud

Close up of hands applauding


Digital skills

26 Jun 2023

TikTok Creative Academy partners with Stonewall

TikTok Creative Academy and Stoneall logos overlaid on an image of young people playing music as a woman films them with her phone


Substance use

22 Jun 2023

Youth substance misuse

Header image for the Catch22 Minutes podcast which reads "Season 3: Risk and Resilience"



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