In the Catch22Minutes podcast, we delve into some of today’s major social challenges. We speak to frontline experts, industry leaders and young people, in pursuit of ideas for reforming public services.
The second season focused on the UK’s justice sector and was presented by Catch22’s former Communications and Marketing Manager, Josie Cochrane. From developing restorative justice to reducing the impact of court delays, this series was focused on solutions which could impact every aspect of the justice sector.
“Hidden victims” are often vulnerable groups of people who don’t access or trust victim services and sometimes don’t understand that they have been a victim of crime. These groups include homeless victims, victims of domestic or sexual violence, those with language barriers, or very young or elderly victims, among others.
“Hidden victims” may not understand the offence which has occurred, lack support and may be wary of reporting a crime to police.
‘Hidden victims’ aren’t included in official crime statistics and under-reporting means that funding doesn’t get allocated to these groups of particularly vulnerable people. In this episode, we’ll be discussing this more with Emma Jones, Catch22 Assistant Director of Victim Services, and Millie Gant, Juniper Lodge Manager – a sexual assault referral centre based in Leicestershire.
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