In the Catch22Minutes podcast, we delve into some of today’s major social challenges. We speak to frontline experts, industry leaders and young people, in pursuit of ideas for reforming public services.
The second season focused on the UK’s justice sector and was presented by Catch22’s former Communications and Marketing Manager, Josie Cochrane. From developing restorative justice to reducing the impact of court delays, this series was focused on solutions which could impact every aspect of the justice sector.
Youth violence and gang-related harm are serious public health issues. While it’s a proportionately small number of young people involved, they have a disproportionately large impact on the communities around them in parts of the UK.
There is a strong relationship between socioeconomic factors and gang involvement; exclusion from school, ethnicity, lack of employment prospects, lack of positive role models, and poor housing or homelessness are all cited as factors for joining gangs.
In today’s episode, we are joined by the Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner for West Midlands Tom McNeil and Daniel Cunningham from the Straight Up service in Birmingham. Commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions, Straight Up is a holistic one-to-one service, delivered by Catch22, supporting those either at risk of or associated with gangs into training and employment.
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