In the Catch22Minutes podcast, we delve into some of today’s major social challenges. We speak to frontline experts, industry leaders and young people, in pursuit of ideas for reforming public services.
The third season focuses on risk and resilience and is presented by Catch22’s Director of Communications and Engagement, Melissa Milner. Our episodes look at topics including child exploitation, online harms, county lines, substance abuse and more.
For millions of people in the UK, drug taking is a normal day of everyday life: from drinking alcohol or caffeine, to taking a paracetamol for a headache. For some though, drug taking is a serious problem, often having a devastating effect on the individual’s life and the lives of those around them.
Latest statistics show that:
- over 20% of people the age of 16-24 have taken an illicit drug,
- round 7% are known to have taken a Class A drug, deemed to be the most dangerous, and
- around 18% have taken cannabis, a Class B drug.
In today’s discussion we explore how much of a problem substance misuse is amongst young people. We ask what can be done to support young people struggling with substance misuse, and how the often conflicting messages in the media about what is and isn’t harmful can cause challenges when tackling drug and substance misuse.
Joining us for this discussion are Julie Poling, Service Manager for Hampshire 24/7 Young People’s Substance Misuse Service, and Katy Bumstead, Service Manager for Surrey Young People’s Substance Misuse Service.
Our panellists