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Redthread set to merge with Catch22

A group of young people gather around a table having a conversation, casually.

As of 12th August 2024, Redthread is now officially part of the Catch22 group.

Redthread, a charity providing transformative youth work in hospitals and other health settings to children and young people affected by violence and exploitation, has approached Catch22 to explore a partnership in the form of a merger.

Like many charities, Redthread has been experiencing major financial challenges in recent times, due to the current external funding landscape. This proposed merger is designed to ensure these vital services can continue and grow, with the commitment to the children and young people who need these services being the primary focus.

Our two organisations have strongly aligned missions and values, and we have a long and successful history of working together. We currently work in partnership on influencing policy and co-delivering The Social Switch Project, which helps protect young people from online harms. Both our organisations are wholly dedicated to supporting children and young people affected by violence and exploitation to lead safer, healthier and happier lives.

We’re confident that as a result of this partnership, we can achieve even greater impact for young people. Although we will work together as one organisation, Redthread will maintain its existing brand and identity with which medical professionals, stakeholders and service users have built so much familiarity and trust.

Naomi Hulston, CEO of Catch22, said:

“We’ve worked closely with Redthread for a long time and know how well respected they are within the sector and how impactful – and much needed – their services are. The number of young people affected by violence continues to rise and there are many who are reliant on the vital support that Redthread provides.

“We’re excited about Redthread becoming part of Catch22 and using our collective strength to support even more vulnerable children and young people. The motivation for merging is to make sure this vital work doesn’t stop; and it is that motivation that will ensure it’s a success.”

Lucie Russell, CEO of Redthread, said:

“What matters more than anything is that we’re here for our beneficiaries, supporting them with our  high-quality service that  transforms lives. Catch22’s values are closely aligned with our own and therefore the proposal to merge adds so much value and stability to our services and our ability to evolve and grow them. Redthread and Catch 22 are absolutely committed to ensuring frontline services continue with minimal disruption while the transition is taking place and beyond.

“This partnership is the right thing for Redthread. It means we can enhance our work at a time when young people need us more than ever. With a new Government and its positive strategic proposals to prevent and reduce violence affecting children and young people, we will work together to capitalise on these opportunities, and play a key part in making a meaningful difference together.”

Paula McDonald, Redthread’s Chair of Trustees, said:

“The needs of the children and young people Redthread supports are ever-growing and therefore the proposed merger with Catch22 presents excellent opportunities for both organisations to further respond effectively.

“Our Board fully endorse the proposed merger as through working together, pooling our skills and knowledge, and harnessing the benefits of being part of a larger organisation, we can have even greater impact, ensuring vulnerable children and young people continue to receive the support they so desperately need to change their lives.”

Terry Duddy, Catch22 Chair of Trustees, said:

“I know just how committed Redthread is to delivering high-quality services for those children and young people affected by violence and exploitation. At Catch22, we share that commitment.

“There is a huge amount of alignment between Catch22 and Redthread – not least in our shared values and absolute determination to help young people lead safer and happier lives. By coming together, we can not only maintain, but also grow the life-changing work already taking place.”