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Substance misuse

Surrey Young People’s Substance Misuse: Annual report 2023-2024

A teenage boy stands in the street of a suburban neighbourhood. He smiles at the camera.

“When I contacted Catch22, I was going through a very difficult time. I struggled with mental health services repeatedly failing me. This service has been the only service where I felt I can speak openly about my problems with no judgement or action. I would recommend to anyone struggling to open up the same way I have,”

– Young person

Surrey Young People’s Substance Misuse service (SYPSMS) is a county-wide specialist treatment service, offering one-to-one support for young people aged 11 to 25 years who are using substances.

We aim to support young people to:

  • receive up-to-date and age-appropriate information about drugs and alcohol, 
  • equip young people with the right harm reduction advice and skills for them to make positive and more informed decisions regarding using substances, 
  • reduce the risk of harm to self and others from substance use, 
  • reduce young people’s involvement in criminal activity, and 
  • support emotional wellbeing.

SYPSMS works with local partnership services to ensure the young people we are working with are receiving the correct support to achieve their goals. 

We also have additional funding from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), which has provided us with three additional practitioners within the youth justice service, probation service, and child and missing unit service within Surrey Police. We hope that these extra posts will enable us to engage hard-to-reach young people, and break down their barriers to accessing our service. 


SYPSMS is focused on supporting young people to achieve the best  possible outcomes. 

We not only measure reductions in substance use via the Young Person’s Outcome Record (YPOR) scale, but we also measure the impact of the service on the individuals through surveys, feedback forms, and quantitative data compiled via our Halo reporting system. We also report on other areas of their lives, such as feeling safer, healthier, and being able to make more informed and safer decisions when it comes to their substance use. 

As a service, we know numbers and data will always be important, but we are also proud to consistently receive positive feedback from young people, parents/carers, and other professionals about our service and our dedicated and caring staff.

Between April 2023 and March 2024, we worked with 209 young people in structured treatment, and engaged with 161 in targeted treatment. 

We also attend local events to promote the service and raise awareness of the support the service offers. This helps us to reach all young people, parents and  professionals. Between March 2023 and April 2024, we attended 63 events. 

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